Compassionate Leadership Foundation

Is about helping others help themselves so they, in turn, will become compassionate leaders.

“In the modern education system, you pay attention to the proper development of the brain. But you do not pay adequate attention to the development of the warm heart. So some sort of combination, the development of the good heart, the warm heart, and the development of the good brain, these must go together.”

His Holiness, the Dalai Lama

Profile of a compassionate leader

A compassionate leader is concerned for the welfare of all, guides by example, and promotes their full potential. We all have opportunities to lead and uncover the humanity that we all have in common.

About us

Javier & Yolanda Torres,  founders of Compassionate Leadership Foundation became who they are because, along the way, compassionate individuals and institutions gave them a hand.
In Javier’s case, a compassionate dean of students from the University of Arkansas decided to give him a full scholarship to finish his studies. Otherwise, Javier could not have afforded to graduate because his parents had to flee Nicaragua that same year, leaving everything behind.
In Yolanda’s case, the Spanish government awarded her a scholarship, making it possible to study and finish her studies in the USA, which she could not have done on her budget.
We strongly feel about education and ‘paying it forward’ because those who succeed do it with the help of others who care.

Our Projects


We strive to create a support network for under-served youth through community-specific programs.

Current Projects

Creative Youth Initiative

We partner with The Art Shack, a creativity center in Miami, to provide access to enrichment programs for low-income students to develop the skills they need for the 21st century. Students engage in creative problem solving through challenging experiences in Art and STEAM. Individualized attention is key to success.

The students come from different local schools, including Ronald W. Reagan Doral Senior High School. As the program grows, we look forward to expanding the pool of schools that present their candidates for this opportunity.

Help raise the leaders of tomorrow!

The foundation will match the community-raised funds on a 1 to 1 dollar up to $10,000. This campaign will continue until the goal of $10,000 is reached.

Compassionate Leadership Foundation, a 501c3 organization, has set up a community campaign to raise funds for low-income students to benefit through the Creative Youth Initiative.​

Through the generosity of the foundation matching grant, your donation goes a long way to help youth in need.


Our Purpose

1. Career and life development to provide mentoring and guidance to students in developing compassion and love.

2. Educational transformative curriculum focusing on compassion and spirituality in leadership roles.

3. Engraving hearts and souls of the students with compassion and general concern for the suffering and needs of others.

4. Creating a supportive network for needy students.

“Education, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men, the balance-wheel of the social machinery.”

Horace Mann, 19th Century American Educator.

Collaborate with us. Every individual needs a chance to succeed!

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